Friday, February 3, 2012

Here we go again!

The view from the living room!

I'm going to give this old blog another try. We will be moving in a few weeks back out to the country and with a now 3.5 year old and a 9 month old, I'd like to change some things up.

  1. Paying off all debt and starting our FFEF (fully funded emergency fund)

    We have rediscovered Dave Ramsey, and though we managed to get through last year without incurring large amounts of debt, the major medical expenses that we went through blasted through our savings. Also, the student loans the Hubs took have been hanging over our head for too long. I was even more convinced about paying these off when I realized that 5 payments on our biggest loan last year only paid interest. That was over 2k just in interest!

  2. Focus more on urban homesteading

    I would like to grow a sizable garden this year, as I think R1 would really benefit from it - she is at an age where it would be fun. I would also like to learn how to can. The house we are moving into has a wood stove for heating (it also has a heat pump!) and the Hubs wants to cut wood for it. This would be a great stress reliever for him as well as good exercise so he can have at it!

  3. Homeschooling

    R1 is really starting to get interested in school. I need to have more structure for her because she thrives on it, even though I tend to not be as structured.

  4. Focus on good health

    We need to eat more nourishing foods. Period.
So there you have it, folks. I am sure the next year will be filled with posts of gardening, recipes, laughs and tears as this city girl tries to find her way back in the country again!